Moving Column Milling Machine Zayer 30 KM 10000

    Second Hand Traveling Column Milling Machine
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    Second Hand Zayer 30KCU22000 Travelling Column Milling Machine

    ZAYER 30 KCU-22000 Floor Type MiIling Machine

    22 meter travelling column milling machine New inl 2000. CNC SIEMENS 840D Travels (X/Y/Z):22.000/1.500/3.000 mm. AutoIndex Head 45º 0.001º/0.001º ATC 30 Tools Internal Coolant Chip

    ZAYER 30 KMU 5000

    ZAYER 30 KMU-5000

    New in 1999 CNC HEIDENHAIN TNC-430PA Table Surface: :4.700 x 1.200 mm. Travel (X/Y/Z) :3.400/1.250/2.000 mm. Quill Travel (W Axis) :500 mm. Automatic Head 45º 0.001º/0.001º Twist

    Technical Features of this Moving Column Milling Machine

    Table Surface 9.700 X 1.200 mm
    Longitudinal Traverse (X Axis) 8.408 mm
    Transversal Traverse (Y Axis) 1.258 mm
    Vertical Traverse (Z Axis) 2.005 mm
    Rapid Traverse X Axis 10.000 mm/min
    Rapid Traverse Y – Z Traverse 15.000 mm/min
    Max. Working Feed 5.000 mm/min
    Taper ISO-50
    Turning Speeds 20 – 3.000 r.p.m.
    Auto Indexing Head
    Head 2 Pos x 180º
    Elbow 360.000 Pos.
    Motor Power 37 Kw.
    Rages 2 Ranges
    4 Front Hub Support 1200 x1000 mm INCLUDED
    Table Max. Carrying Load 30.000 Kg.
    Machine Weight 42.000 Kg.
    Control HEIDENHAIN TNC-530
    Portable Handwheel HEIDENHAIN HR-410
    Year of Manufacture 1996
    Reconstructed 2013

    Detailed information of this Moving Column Milling Machine

    This Used Moving Column Milling Machine Zayer 30 KM10000 was built in 1996 and totally reconstructed in 2013 by the Maquinaria Colás team.  It has CNC HEIDENHAIN TNC-530 and portable handwheel HEIDENHAIN HR-410 and automatic head.

    The used milling machine Zayer can be inspected up and running at the used machine tools warehouse that Maquinaria Colás has in Zaragoza. Its ready to start working inmediately at customer site.

    Technical specifications are not binding and may be modified without notice


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