Used Vertical Machining Center Quaser VM204 II

    Used Vertical Machining Center Quaser VM204 IIM204 II
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    Technical Features of this Second Hand VMC

    Table Surface 1.200X 635 mm.
    Height from Table to Floor 910 mm.
    Longitudinal Traverse (X Axis) 1.020 mm.
    Transversal Traverse (Y Axis) 600 mm.
    Vertical Traverse (Z Axis) 560 mm.
    Rapid Traverse (X,Y,Z Axis) 15.000 mm/min.
    Carrying Load Table 1.000 kg.
    Taper ISO-40.
    Turning Speeds 60-15.000 rpm.
    Main Motor Power 20 Kw.
    RANDOM Tool Charger INCLUDED.
    Tools in Tool Charger 32 Tools.
    Internal Coolant through Tool (20 Bar) INCLUDED.
    Longitudinal Chip Removal INCLUDED.
    Optical Rules in Axis X,Y,Z INCLUDED.
    Rigid Tapping INCLUDED.
    Ready for 4th Axis(Wired + Regulator) INCLUDED.
    Tools and Accesories INCLUDED.
    Machine Weight 8.500 Kg.
    Machine Condition GOOD.

    Detailed information of this Second Hand VMC

    Used Vertical Machining Center Quaser VM204 II available for liquidation. Call us for more information and prices of this second use Vertical Machining Center Quaser VM204 II

    Technical specifications are not binding and may be modified without notice


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